Campaign > #transrights NOT #trashrights (Bill C-279)
NOTE: This page is an archived copy of TESA's Bill C-279 #transrights NOT #trashrights campaign. For the current edition of this campaign, please click here. Action Write your Member of Parliament and members of the Canadian Senate regarding a trans-exclusionary amendment to Bill C-279. Below please find: -- background -- sample letter -- additional resources Background On February 25, 2015, members of Canada's Senate voted to trash the equality rights of trans Canadians. The majority members of Canada's senate standing committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs voted to amend Bill C-279 so that trans people would be explicitly excluded from accessing some federal facilities. Bill C-279 was originally intended to clarify existing rights for trans people by adding the term "gender identity" to both the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code. Without Bill C-279, trans Canadians already have full equal rights across Canada under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees rights to "everyone" and "every individual" without exception. While the 2015 amendment to Bill C-279 would still allow "gender identity" to be recognised as a distinguishing characteristic for hate crimes in the Criminal Code, trashing existing equality rights is too high a price to pay. Let the senators responsible for this amendment know that you expect to keep trans rights, NOT have trash rights! Let your Member of Parliament know you expect them to remove trans-exclusionary amendments to Bill C-279 when the bill returns to the House of Commons. #transrights NOT #trashrights |
Six Canadian Senators voted in favour of adding a trans-exclusionary amendment to Bill C-279. These Senators are: Sen. Donald Neil Plett -- proposed this amendment (MB, PC, appointed by Harper) Sen. Denise Batters (SK, PC, appointed by Harper) Sen. Jean-Guy Dagenais (Victoria, QC. PC, appointed by Harper) Sen. Fabian Manning (NL, PC, appointed by Harper) Sen. Thomas Johnson McInnis (NS, PC, appointed by Harper) Sen. Paul E. McIntyre (NB, PC, appointed by Harper) Please see below for a sample letter you may use to write to these Senators, your Senator, or your Member of Parliament. Thank you to Cole Ramsey for providing contact details for the February 25, 2015 committee vote. |
Sample letter
Feel free to use the sample letter below. Remember to include your contact name and information.
-- Members of Parliament--contact information for all current MPs (click on photo for individual's details)
-- Members of Senate--contact information for all current Senators (click on name for individual's details)
-- Members of the Senate Standing Committee for Legal & Constitutional Affairs (click on name for individual's details)
Feel free to use the sample letter below. Remember to include your contact name and information.
-- Members of Parliament--contact information for all current MPs (click on photo for individual's details)
-- Members of Senate--contact information for all current Senators (click on name for individual's details)
-- Members of the Senate Standing Committee for Legal & Constitutional Affairs (click on name for individual's details)
[Month Day, 2016]
Dear [Senator _________ / MP___________ ]
As a citizen of Canada, a nation committed to equal rights for all citizens, I call on you to rescind recent amendments to Bill C-279 that would deny equality for trans Canadians on the basis of their gender identity.
As you know, Bill C-279 was created to help clarify existing equality rights shared by all Canadians. Unfortunately, despite the fact that trans Canadians have the same rights as all other Canadians, many trans people are unable to enjoy these rights to the fullest thanks to other people not understanding or not respecting these equality rights. Additionally, Bill C-279 would help authorities to consider gender identity with regards to hate crimes under the Criminal Code, a welcome addition given the rampant violence against trans and gender non-conforming people both in Canada and worldwide.
Sadly, the Senate's actions taken on February 25, 2015, signal an unwillingness to respect trans Canadians' existing equality rights and instead the Senate expects to replace those rights with explicit inequality and exclusion from some federal facilities. Such an amendment is not acceptable. Such an amendment is a disgrace to our nation.
The government of Canada already has a long, sad history of exclusionary acts, including the internment of Canadians of Ukrainian and Japanese descent, the tragedy of residential schools, as well as other acts that reflect a lack of respect and support for equal rights for all. But such acts should remain firmly in our history. We should learn from our past mistakes and not choose to add to this disgraceful legacy of exclusion.
Now more than ever, trans Canadians need trans rights, not trash rights. Parliament did not see fit to add discriminatory provisions to Bill C-279. Canada's Senate has a proud tradition as the chamber of 'sober second thought' yet these second thoughts have led to a sobering disregard for some of Canada's most marginalised citizens. Rescind this shameful amendment now and uphold Canada's claims to being a leader in human rights.
I look forward to your prompt action to defend equality rights for all Canadians.
[first and last name]
[contact information]
Additional resources
To learn more about Bill C-279 and trans equality rights in Canada, or to change or customise your letter, you may find some of the resources linked below helpful.
TESA resources:
-- testimony to the Senate: Including the term Gender Identity in Canadian Statutes: Bill C-279
-- resource page detailing trans rights in all Canadian provinces and territories
Canada resources:
-- Bill C-279 amendment [transcript excerpts] during LCJC Committee meeting [full transcript]
-- Bill C-279 [unamended]
-- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
-- Canadian Human Rights Act
-- Canadian Criminal Code
Canadian Bar Association resources:
-- Reject Amendment to Bill C-279 (2015)
Canadian Human Rights Commission resources:
-- testimony to Senate by Ian Fine (2012)
-- testimony to Senate by David Langtry (2013)
Other letters to Senators, MPs:
-- Cole Ramsey to six Senators who voted for transphobic amendments to Bill C-279
NOTE: This page is an archived copy of TESA's Bill C-279 #transrights NOT #trashrights campaign. For the current edition of this campaign, please click here.