Links > Culture > Trans History
The following links are for resources regarding trans history.
Unless otherwise noted, the content of the following links are written from a Canadian perspective. Links to other relevant TESA resources are included at the end of the relevant observance, if applicable.
Note: These resources are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute legal or medical advice.
Unless otherwise noted, the content of the following links are written from a Canadian perspective. Links to other relevant TESA resources are included at the end of the relevant observance, if applicable.
Note: These resources are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute legal or medical advice.
Culture Resources: Trans History
-- Riverdale (2012) -- A Brief History of FTM Trans Civilization
-- Trans Media Watch (UK) (n.d.) -- A Trans Timeline
-- Riverdale (2012) -- A Brief History of FTM Trans Civilization
-- Trans Media Watch (UK) (n.d.) -- A Trans Timeline