Links > Transitioning > About Two-Spirit
The following links are for Two-Spirit resources. Unless otherwise noted, the content of the following links are written from a Canadian perspective. Links to other relevant TESA resources are included at the end of the page, if applicable.
Note: These resources are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute legal or medical advice.
Note: These resources are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute legal or medical advice.
Transitioning Resources: About Two-Spirit
Statistics Canada (2016) -- How should transgender, transsexual, and intersex Canadians indicate their sex? [2016 census]
Wikipedia (2015) -- Two-Spirit
Pruden (USA) (2013) -- Two-Spirit resource directory
Society for Safe and Caring Schools & Communities (2011) -- Safe and caring schools for Two Spirit youth: A guide for teachers and students
Cruz (2011) -- Medicine bundle of contradictions: Female-man, Mi'kmaq/Acadian/Irish Diasporas, Invisible disAbilities, masculine-Feminist
Real (2010) -- First Nations and American Indian societies and gender: A primer for whites
Hamish (2009) -- The disappearance of the Two-Spirit traditions in Canada
O'Brien-Teengs (2008) Two Spirit women (2nd ed.)
2spirits (2008) -- Our relatives said: A wise practices guide--Voices of Aboriginal trans-people
Bearse et al (USA) (2007) -- We've always been here: Supporting two-spirit youth in circles and systems of care in tribal communities
Davis et al (2007) -- Nowhere near enough: A needs assessment of health and safety services for transgender and Two Spirit people in Manitoba and northwestern Ontario
Koymasky (USA) (2005) (citing Aldrich & Wotherspoon, 2001) -- Weiwha: Native American Two-Spirits
Hemmilä (Finland) (2005) (thesis) -- Ancestors of Two-Spirits: Representations of Native American third-gender males in historical documentation: A critical discourse analysis in anthropology
Smoke (2004) -- The traditional concept of Two-Spirited people: A First Nations perspective
Author unknown (2004) -- Native American Berdache: Two Spirit People -- Gender does not determine sexuality
Urban Native Youth Association (2004) -- Two-Spirit youth speak out! Analysis of the Needs Assessment Tool
Medicine (USA) (2002) -- Directions in gender research in American Indian societies: Two Spirits and other categories
Brotman & Ryan (2001) -- Critical issues in practice with gay lesbian, bisexual and two-spirit people: educational module for professionals in the fields of health and allied health
Monette et al (2001) -- Voices of Two-Spirited Men (part 1) -- (part 2)
Dimaline (2001) -- A place of honour: Two-Spirited people in our communities
Dooley (USA) (2001) -- Two-Spirits rising: Historically, Native American tribes thought gays were great!
Jordan (1999) -- A Native American perspective on the theory of gender continuum
Deschamps (1998) -- We are part of a tradition: A guide on Two-Spirited people for First Nations communities
Kehoe (USA) (1998) -- Appropriate terms
Bödeker & Triea (1998) -- Native vs. White sex cosmologies: Sex and gender variability vs. variance in inter- vs. intracultural perspective
Young (1997) (Masters' Thesis) -- Alternative genders in the Coast Salish world: paradox and pattern
Roscoe (USA) (1995) -- Theorizing the third or How I became a Queen in the Empire of Gender
Paige (USA) (n.d.) -- Native American sacred traditions and Western culture
Keshena (n.d.) -- Two-Spirit people: Gender and sexual variability in Native North America
Statistics Canada (2016) -- How should transgender, transsexual, and intersex Canadians indicate their sex? [2016 census]
Wikipedia (2015) -- Two-Spirit
Pruden (USA) (2013) -- Two-Spirit resource directory
Society for Safe and Caring Schools & Communities (2011) -- Safe and caring schools for Two Spirit youth: A guide for teachers and students
Cruz (2011) -- Medicine bundle of contradictions: Female-man, Mi'kmaq/Acadian/Irish Diasporas, Invisible disAbilities, masculine-Feminist
Real (2010) -- First Nations and American Indian societies and gender: A primer for whites
Hamish (2009) -- The disappearance of the Two-Spirit traditions in Canada
O'Brien-Teengs (2008) Two Spirit women (2nd ed.)
2spirits (2008) -- Our relatives said: A wise practices guide--Voices of Aboriginal trans-people
Bearse et al (USA) (2007) -- We've always been here: Supporting two-spirit youth in circles and systems of care in tribal communities
Davis et al (2007) -- Nowhere near enough: A needs assessment of health and safety services for transgender and Two Spirit people in Manitoba and northwestern Ontario
Koymasky (USA) (2005) (citing Aldrich & Wotherspoon, 2001) -- Weiwha: Native American Two-Spirits
Hemmilä (Finland) (2005) (thesis) -- Ancestors of Two-Spirits: Representations of Native American third-gender males in historical documentation: A critical discourse analysis in anthropology
Smoke (2004) -- The traditional concept of Two-Spirited people: A First Nations perspective
Author unknown (2004) -- Native American Berdache: Two Spirit People -- Gender does not determine sexuality
Urban Native Youth Association (2004) -- Two-Spirit youth speak out! Analysis of the Needs Assessment Tool
Medicine (USA) (2002) -- Directions in gender research in American Indian societies: Two Spirits and other categories
Brotman & Ryan (2001) -- Critical issues in practice with gay lesbian, bisexual and two-spirit people: educational module for professionals in the fields of health and allied health
Monette et al (2001) -- Voices of Two-Spirited Men (part 1) -- (part 2)
Dimaline (2001) -- A place of honour: Two-Spirited people in our communities
Dooley (USA) (2001) -- Two-Spirits rising: Historically, Native American tribes thought gays were great!
Jordan (1999) -- A Native American perspective on the theory of gender continuum
Deschamps (1998) -- We are part of a tradition: A guide on Two-Spirited people for First Nations communities
Kehoe (USA) (1998) -- Appropriate terms
Bödeker & Triea (1998) -- Native vs. White sex cosmologies: Sex and gender variability vs. variance in inter- vs. intracultural perspective
Young (1997) (Masters' Thesis) -- Alternative genders in the Coast Salish world: paradox and pattern
Roscoe (USA) (1995) -- Theorizing the third or How I became a Queen in the Empire of Gender
Paige (USA) (n.d.) -- Native American sacred traditions and Western culture
Keshena (n.d.) -- Two-Spirit people: Gender and sexual variability in Native North America